Friday 9 May 2014

Dance is the art of traditional dance of Dayak, Dayak communities related to cultural background is still maintained between the Dayak sub- ethnic groups in general. Dayak tribes , divided into sub - sub-tribe which numbers approximately 405 sub ( JU Lontaan , 1975). Each sub tribe Dayak in Borneo have customs and cultures are similar, refer to the sociology of community service and differences in customs, culture , or language typical .

Distribution Characteristics Dance Dayak

Based on the deployment area in West BorneoNation in West Boneo Dayak sub- divided based on ethnic spread across districts in West Borneo. Based on Ethno Linguistic and cultural traits dance Dayak in West Borneo into 4 large groups , small groups namely 1 :• Kendayan / Kanayatn Grop : Dayak Bukit ( ahe ) , Banyuke , Lara , Darit , Belangin , Bakati " etc. . The area distribution in Pontianak regency , Landak District , Bengkayang , and sekitarnya.mempunyai dance , energetic , staccato , hard .• Ribunic / Jangkang Grop / Bidoih / Bidayuh : Dayak Ribun , Pandu , Pompakng , Latitude , Pangkodatn , Jangkang , Kembayan , Simpakng , etc. . Spread in the region Sanggau Kapuas , is characterized open hand gestures , no rough and smooth .• Iban / Ibanic : Dayak Iban and other small sub , Mualang , Ketungau , Sleepiness , Sebaruk , Banyur , Tabun , Bugau , Undup , Saribas , village , Seberuang , and so on . The area distribution in Sambas district ( border ) , Sanggau / malenggang and surrounding areas ( border ) Sekadau District ( Belitang Lower , Middle , Upper ) Sintang , Kapuas Hulu , Sarawak , Sabah and Brunei Darussalam . has a dominant characteristic hip motion , not hard and not too smooth .• Banuaka " Grop : Parks , Tamambaloh and his sub , Kalis , and so on . Region spread in Kapuas Hulu.ciri ibanic group similar motion , but a little more subtle .• Kayaanik , Poenans , Bukat etc. .Besides divided by ethno linguistic recorded by a large number of his group , there are many more that have not been identified motion dance , because spreading and split and divided into small tribes . For example Dayak Mali / Ayek - Ayek , there dialur Tayan way towards districts . ketapan . Dayak then Ketapang District , Regional and Samanakng simpakng like Dayak Dayak Kualan , Persaguan area , Kendawangan , Kayong area , Sandai , local Krio , Aur yellow . Manjau area etc. .Then Dayak Sambas regency , namely Dameo / Damea , Sungkung Sambas and Bengkayang area and so on . Then Sekadau District area towards Nanga Nanga Mahap and Parks , Jawan , Jawai , Benawas , Kematu and others. Then Melawi , namely : Dayak Keninjal ( majority Pinoh land ; include rabing Ribang village , Ribang semalan , middle highways , rompam , ulakmuid , maris etc. ) Dayak Kebahan ( among other villages : Poring , homeland kenyikap , Wooden Flowers , etc. that have pestle dance and dance belonok kelenang endangered ) , Dayak Linoh ( among other villages : Nanga Taum , partly Ulak Muid , mahikam etc. ) , Dayak pangen ( Jongkong , some villages balaiagas etc. ) , Dayak kubing ( among other villages Bakah river / stream spirit , nyanggai , nanga highways etc. ) , Dayak limai ( among other village banyan cape , tain , support their , ela etc. ) , undau Dayak , Punan Dayak , Dayak ranokh / anokh ( among others partly in stone buil village , river highway , etc. ) , Dayak sebruang ( among other jungle villages cape , piawas etc. ) , Dayak Ot Danum ( incoming group cal - teng ) , Leboyan .Dayak Dance Background Ajat Temuai Datai" Ajat Temuai Datai " lifted from the Dayak language Mualang ( Ibanic Group ) , which can not be interpreted directly , because if there are irregularities in the interpreted word for word . But the intention is Ajat Dedication / Request to hold a ritual or traditional ceremony , then Temuai means : guest , Datai means : Come . When adjusted for the purpose of the dance is: Dance Ceremony in which there is a welcome guest in the procession or dance Welcoming guests . aims to welcome guests coming or visiting dignitary ( magnified ) . The inception of the art of headhunting future / past , among Dayak groups . Headhunting , derived from the word me and ngayau . Me means action , ngayau : beheading enemies , decapitating enemy action ( there Headhunting Dayak Iban language and Ibanik , also on the Dayak community in general ) .
But if headhunting particular implies that an action seeking other groups ( the enemy ) by attacking and decapitating his opponent ( headhunting consists of various customary among Kayau banyau / crowded / attack , Kayau Children namely : Headhunting in small groups , Kayau Beguyap ie : headhunting no more than three people . Mualang In the past Dayak heroes returning from headhunting and bring proof of the results in the form of a human head Kayau ( enemy ) , an eminent guests as well regarded as capable of becoming a hero to the group . therefore it held a ceremony " Ajat Temuai Datai ." Dayak believe that the person's head to save a spirit or life force that could protect the owner and his tribe . According to J , U. Lontaan ( Customary Law and Customs of West  Borneo in 1974 ) , there are four objectives in headhunting namely : to protect agriculture , to get the extra power of the soul, for vengeance , and the establishment of a building endurance .
After getting the results of headhunting , the heroes must not enter the territory of the village , but by providing a sign language called Nyelaing Mualang Dayak ( Dayak cries ) that reads Heeih ! , As many as seven times , which means heroes come home and win in headhunting and obtain chief opponent are still fresh . If the cry is just three times the mean of the heroes win the battle or headhunting but fell victim side. If only all mean the heroes do not get anything and no special reception was held .
After giving marks nyelaing , the head- sent representatives to meet with the leadership or the head of his tribe in order to prepare for his reception . The reception process , through four rounds namely :
Dayak women dancing with human heads, 1912
1 . Ngunsai rice ( wasting some rice in front of the Single Brave / Knight / Hero , while reciting prayers through the intercession Sengalang Burong ) ,
2 . Mancong Buloh namely ; Saber slash / Nyabor to decide bamboo dilintangkan intentionally or in a pond at the entrance area of ​​the house panjai .
3 Ngajat Ngiring Temuai : dancing to the guest or guests to walk up stairs next panjai house ( houses on stilts that long ) temuai ngiring process is done by means of dance and dance is called Ngajat Ngiring Temuai .
4 . Tama ' Booths ( entering the house panjai ) or go to a certain place after soaking his foot on a stone in a container as a symbol pencelap semengat , after a procession through the round above, guests are permitted up to the length of the house with the intent to purify myself in a ceremony semengat called Start ( to restore the spirit of war ) ( john Roberto P. 2002.ISI yogyakarta ) , then the new head held Gawai ' event is to honor the results kayau head , and in the event there are several dance called : Swing Dance Pala , Sword Dance etc. . The names of some of the Commander / Tuwak Dayak Mualang past , namely : Tuwak Biau Balau ( Kayau leader ) , Tuwak Pangkar Begili
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