Saturday 5 March 2016

Pertama, perlu diketahui bahwa meskipun pemanis yang disebutkan di atas, ada biaya yang dikenakan kepada klien, biaya yaitu administrasi, biaya pengelolaan biaya investasi dan akuisisi, biaya-biaya yang biaya tambahan tidak termasuk biaya asuransi (biaya besarnya kematian tergantung pada jenis kelamin , umur dan jumlah uang pertanggungan, kondisi kesehatan pemegang polis juga mempengaruhi besarnya biaya ini), di sini adalah penjelasan dari biaya pada link Unit:
1. biaya administrasi
Berdasarkan data yang kami terima biaya kisaran administrasi sebesar Rp 20.000, -untuk Rp 30.000, bulan -per atau Rp 240.000, -Sampai dengan Rp 360.000 per tahun. Biaya ini akan terus dibebankan selama masa berlakunya asuransi.
2. alokasi biaya premi
Perusahaan asuransi biaya Anda ini di muka sebelum dan setiap dana ke bagian investasi. Biaya ini umumnya sebesar 5% dari dana yang diinvestasikan dan ada juga metode menggunakan bid-offer harga dana yang masuk akan dibagi dengan harga jual (harga penawaran) serta dana keluar atau ditarik oleh nasabah akan dikalikan dengan harga beli (bid price). Perbedaan dari tawaran-tawaran harga biasanya sebesar 5% (umumnya dihitung dari harga penawaran). Untuk pelanggan yang ingin menarik investasinya dari unit link yang menggunakan metode bid-offer harga mutlak harus menghitung tingkat pertumbuhan yang sedang terjadi sejak dana tersebut masuk, dikurangi selisih antara bid-offer harga.
3. Biaya Alokasi premium (Unit Khusus Links Regular)
Selain biaya diatas, biaya alokasi premium lainnya tetap dikenakan biaya di 5 tahun pertama dengan jarak hingga 100% dari premi yang dibayar setelah biaya asuransi dipotong pada awal tahun pertama, kisaran biaya ini akan turun secara berkala untuk 0% pada awal tahun sampai 6 kali kebijakan yang sedang berjalan.
Namun ada sebagian kecil dari produk unit link di Indonesia yang mengalokasikan investasi pada tahun pertama sebesar 20% sampai 100% dari premi dasar di tahun pertama. Sekilas terlihat menarik, tapi setelah penelitian membuktikan biaya yang luar biasa dibebankan kepada pelanggan, tidak sedikit sebagai ilustrasi dari calon pelanggan akan membayar premi dasar yang jauh lebih besar jika calon pelanggan membeli unit tautan produk mulai mengalokasikan investasi sejak tahun pertama dibandingkan dengan menghubungkan unit yang tidak mengalokasikan investasi mereka pada tahun pertama (lihat tabel 1).
4. Biaya Pengelolaan Investasi
perusahaan asuransi juga biaya pengelolaan Investasi oleh manajer investasi yang besarnya bervariasi antara 0,5% sampai 3% per tahun dan sudah diperhitungkan dalam harga unit. Tingkat biaya ini tergantung pada jenis investasi yang dipilih oleh nasabah (reksa dana pendapatan tetap, saham atau campuran), besarnya dana yang dikelola, serta laba yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan asuransi jiwa.
5. Biaya satuan Link premi tunggal
Pada pembayaran premi tunggal atau single premium (yaitu pembayaran premi hanya satu kali pembayaran dan tidak ada kewajiban pada tahun berikutnya tetapi jika Anda ingin menambahkan porsi investasi diperbolehkan), jenis kebijakan juga membebankan biaya seperti biaya perolehan jumlah tetap biasanya 5% dari total premi tunggal dan / atau dana dalam Top Up (ditambahkan), biaya administrasi untuk menutupi biaya kisaran awal Rp 240.000 policiesup Rp 300.000, -biasanya dipakai pada tahun pertama. Jumlah tersebut dijamin meyakinkan sama dengan 150% dari investasi awal Anda, jika tidak ada penarikan di kemudian hari oleh pelanggan. Namun, jika penarikan terjadi kemudian, uang pertanggungan akan berkurang.
Sejalan dengan lamanya waktu investasi, jika pertumbuhan dana investasi telah melebihi Uang Pertanggungan jika ada risiko kematian, manfaat yang diperoleh oleh penerima manfaat dari investment grade. Sebaliknya, jika nilai investasi ternyata lebih kecil dari uang pertanggungan maka ahli waris manfaat yang diperoleh sama dengan jumlah terjamin, dengan catatan jika nilai investasi pembangunan tidak lebih kecil dari biaya yang telah disebutkan di atas.
Non Unit Link Kombinasi Dengan Reksa Dana
Mari kita memeriksa lebih lanjut tentang produk asuransi jiwa tradisional dengan jenis YRT (Yearly Renewable Term) yang memiliki jumlah tinggi meyakinkan namun dengan premi yang relatif sangat rendah. Biaya asuransi adalah biaya asuransi dibebankan untuk menutupi biaya mortalita, besarnya variabel (tergantung pada usia, jenis kelamin, faktor kesehatan dan uang pertanggungan) dibayarkan secara berkala dalam bentuk premi serta peningkatan tertentu setiap tahun, seiring dengan meningkatnya usia nasabah.
Meski begitu, relatif kecil dan peningkatan dalam dikombina

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Clumps Origins of Dayak Iban ( Ibanic )The origin of the clumps Dayak Iban ( Ibanic ) , estimated starting since 2000 BC in a place called Temawai / Temawang Tampun Juah , which is a fertile region upstream Sekayam Sanggau Kapuas regency , precisely in the village upstream Segomun , Noyan districts . At that time the group is still referred to as a clump of Iban society Banyau Force Commander ( a collection of people and human Khayangan ) .Before the Force Commander in Tampun Juah community living in the hill Banyau Kujau ' and Ayau hill , roughly in the area of Kapuas Hulu , then moved to Air Berurung , Hall splint , tinting and Tampun Juah Yellow Lalang , in wandering from one place to another , some groups split up and the possibility of forming a separate tribe . The last stop in the area Tampun Juah . There they lived and reached the golden age of thirty pieces panjai house ( houses on stilts that long ) and the thirty pieces of the main door . They live a safe , peaceful and harmonious .According to historical legends , most of the people left and the Force Commander Banyau into several ethnic groups and sub ​​- tribes , namely :

Most of the people Banyau Force Commander departed down the river Sai , penetrating into the mouth of the river up to the Batang Lupar Ketungau , Kapuas upstream . ( This story is also told by the Dayak Iban in Sadong , Sarawak , Malaysia ) . In his wanderings in Batang Lupar , and the group is then split into groups Ibanic ( Batang Lupar , Sleepiness , Undup , So-so , Saribas , Sebuyau , Sebaruk , skrang , Balau ) and other groups to form their own ethnic groups and separate .
Ketungau group . Another part of the community Banyau Force Commander Sai river down stream , continue to enter the river Ketungau , settled there along the river Ketungau into small groups and include : Bugao , Banyur , Tabun and others.

Mualang group . This group is the last surviving group in Tampun Juah , because this group abstain go , but after so long last , this group was followed eventually departed leaving his native place into several groups , along with the Sai River , reached the mouth of the river Ketungau . At one point one of the group was hunting , they find another hunter who speak the same language with a group of people who are not Mualang of their communities . The person claimed to be from the Land Tabo . Eventually they merged and assimilated by society in the Land of Tabo .
Dayak Lebang Nado , is a mixture of Malay descent Mualang Hindu .

Mualang Cape , Mualang One group that spread to Sekadau and split to form new groups ; Mualang cape and mingle with the other groups Seberuang Dayak , Dayak village , Ketungau misguided and so on . Others also mixed with delegation Dara Nante group . Dara entourage spread Nante looking area called Tampun Juah and they mingled with Dayak bebeapa Mualang and divided into small groups of tribes namely : Dayak Kematu " , Benawas Dayak , Dayak Mualang Sekadau Lawang quarrying in the area .

Dayak Kematu ( Senganan ) , is a combination of fractional group Nante Dara and Dayak Mualang around Sekadau , they converted to Islam in the region Sekadau , then some other groups of unknown origin had joined this group . they then called themselves Senganan ( Dayak Muslim descent ) .

Tuesday 13 May 2014

The arrival of the first Europeans in Southeast Asia in the early sixteenth century is sometimes seen as the most important determinant point in the history of the region. In the fifteenth century the Portuguese is one of the nation achieve advances in technology. The Portuguese has been able to make ships more viable and sophisticated in comparison with previous ships allowed them to do a cruise and widen the powers across the ocean. The grounds for the master spice imports in Europe, the Portuguese are looking for local areas best spice. The spices in Europe is a necessity and also taste. During the winter in Europe, there is no way any one of which can be run to maintain that all farm animals can be kept alive. Because they were a lot of animals are slaughtered and the meat must then be preserved. For all that's required a lot of salt and spices.
Cloves of East Indonesia is the most valuable. Indonesia also produces pepper, nutmeg, and mace. Indonesian natural resources that are so abundant in plants including herbs into the reason Indonesian Portuguese to dominate the region dominate the European market as well.

A. EARLY arrival of the Portuguese PROCESS TO INDONESIA
In 1487, Bartholomew Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope and entering the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, in 1498, Vasco da Gama reached India. However, the Portuguese people know immediately that the goods they wish to sell merchandise that can not compete in the Indian market with a sophisticated goods flowing through the Asian trade network. Therefore, they should consciously make war at sea to establish themselves.
bartholomew1bartolomeu diaz

Alfonso de Albuquerque is the largest naval commander at the time. Albuquerque in 1503 went to India, and in 1510, he conquer Goa on the West Coast who later became permanent bases Portuguese. At the time it was built bases in places somewhat to the west, ie in Ormuzdan Socotra. The plan was to dominate the sea trade in Asia by building a permanent base in crucial places which can be used to direct the Portuguese military high technology. In 1510, after much fighting, suffering, and internal chaos, it seems the Portuguese almost reached its goal. The most important target was to attack the eastern end of the Asian trade in the Moluccas.
After hearing the first reports of the Asian traders Malacca enormous wealth, the Portuguese king sent Diogo Lopez de Sequiera to suppress Malacca, established friendly relations with the rulers, and remained there as a representative of the Portuguese in the east of India. The Sequiera task is impossible entirely when he arrived in Maluku in 1509. At first he was welcomed by Sultan Mahmud Shah (1488-1528), but then the international trade community in the city convinced Mahmud that the Portuguese is a big threat to him . Finally, Sultan Mahmud against Sequiera, captured some of his men, and killed several others. He also tried to attack the four Portuguese ships, but the fourth ship managed to sail into the open sea. As has happened in places farther west, it seems clear that the conquest is the only means available for the Portuguese to strengthen themselves.
Figure: Alfonso de Albuquerque
In April 1511, Albuquerque set sail from Goa to Malacca with a force of about 1,200 men and 17 ships. War broke out soon after his arrival and continued sporadically throughout the month of July and early August. Party Malacca hampered by infighting between Sultan Mahmud and his son, Sultan Ahmad who had just handed the power over the state, but was killed on the orders of his father.
Malacca finally conquered by the Portuguese. Albuquerque settled in Malacca until November 1511, during which time he was preparing the defense of Malacca to withstand any counter attack the Malays. He also ordered the first ships to search for the Spice Islands. After that he went to India with a large ship, he managed to escape when the ship sank off the coast of Sumatra, along with all the booty looted in Malacca.
After the ship sank screen again, the rest of the fleet arrived at Ternate in the same year. With some difficulty, the first expedition arrived in Ternate and managed to make contact with the Sultan Aby Lais. Sultan of Ternate that promised to provide clove for each year on the condition that the Portuguese built a fort on the island of Ternate.
Trade relations are still initiated by Antonio de Abrito. Conjunction with the Sultan of Ternate, who was a child, Kacili Abu Hayat, Dervish and guardians are going very well Kacili. Ternate parties without a doubt allow De Brito first Portuguese built a fort on the island of Ternate (Sao Joao Bautista or Seighora de Nossa Rossario) in 1522. Population Ternate uses the term Kastela for the fort, even a castle was then known as Gamalama fort. Since 1522 until 1570 established a trading relationship (cloves) between the Portuguese and Ternate.
Portuguese Malacca was mastered, it is evident that they do not dominate Asian trade centered there. Portuguese never self-sufficient and highly dependent on the suppliers of food ingredients from Asia as well as the Malay rulers before them in Malacca. Their lack of funds and human resources. Their organization is characterized by the commands and confusing overlap, inefficiency, and corruption. Even their governors at Malacca also trade for personal gain at the port of Malaya, Johor, taxes and the price of their goods is lower, and it has damaged their supposed monopoly case. Asian traders divert most of their trade to other ports and avoid the Portuguese monopoly easy.
So quickly Portuguese ceased to be a revolutionary force. Superiority of their technology consisting of shipping techniques and successful military learned quickly by their rivals from Indonesia. Like the Portuguese cannon quickly been won by the people of Indonesia. Portuguese became a part of a network conflict in the Straits of Malacca, Johor and Aceh where vying to outdo each other in order to master the Portuguese Malacca.
Malacca town started dying as a trading port while under the grip of the Portuguese. They never managed to monopolize trade in Asia. Portuguese have little influence on the culture of Indonesian people who live in the western part of the archipelago, and soon became the odd part in the Indonesian environment. Portuguese had fundamentally screwed Asian trade system organization. There is no longer a central port where the wealth of Asia can be interchangeable, no countries Malaya Malacca Strait maintain order and make it safe for commercial traffic. Instead the trade community has spread to several ports and fierce battles erupted in the Strait.
Soon after the conquest of Malacca, sending the first probe mission to the east under the leadership of Francisco Serrao. In 1512, the ship was damaged, but he managed to reach Hitu (Ambon north). There he demonstrated the skills of war against an invading force that made him liked by local authorities. This prompted the two competing local authorities (Ternate and Tidore) to explore the possibility of obtaining assistance Portuguese. Portuguese welcomed in that area because they can also bring food and buy spices. But Asian trade soon bounced back, so the Portuguese could never do an effective monopoly on the spice trade.
Sultan of Ternate, Abu Lais (1522) to persuade people to support him and the Portuguese in 1522, they began to build a fort there. Mansur Sultan of Tidore took advantage of the arrival of the remnants of Magellan's expedition around the world cruise in 1521 to form an alliance with the Spaniards who did not give a lot of results in this period.
Ternate and the Portuguese changed the relationship became strained because of the weak Portuguese efforts to Christianity and because of the behavior of the Portuguese people are not polite. In 1535, the Portuguese in Ternate lowered King Tabariji (1523-1535) from his throne and sent to the Portuguese-ruled Goa. There he converted to Christianity and using the name of Dom Manuel, and after being found not guilty of the things alleged, he was sent back to Ternate to occupy his throne again. But along the way he died in Malacca in 1545. Yet before his death, he was handed over to the Portuguese island of Ambon who became his godfather, Jordao de Freitas.
Finally the Portuguese who killed the Sultan of Ternate, Hairun (1535-1570) in 1570, was expelled from Ternate in 1575 after a siege for 5 years. They then moved to the archipelago and build a new fort in 1578. However Ambon was the one who later became a major center of Portuguese activities in Maluku after that. Ternate while it becomes a persistent state that adheres to Islam and anti-Portuguese under the reign of Sultan Baabullah (1570-1583) and his son Sultan Said al-Din Shah Blessing (1584-1606).
At that time the Portuguese also engaged in war in Solor. In 1562, the pastor Dominik build forts from coconut trunk there. In berikutnnya Muslim attackers burned from Java. But Dominik people survive and rebuild immediately fortress of stronger material and began to Christianity on the locals.
In subsequent years, emerged from the attacks of Java. Solor own society as a whole was not happy about the Portuguese people and their religion, so often appears resistance. In 1598-1599, a massive uprising of the Solor forcing the Portuguese sent a fleet of 90 ships to subdue the rebels. However, the Portuguese still occupied forts in Solor until they were expelled by the Dutch in 1613 and after the Portuguese occupation back in 1636.
Among the Portuguese adventurers there is a Europe whose job initiate a permanent change in eastern Indonesia. This guy named Francis Xavier (1506-1552) and St. Ignaius Loyola who founded the Jesuit order. In 1546-1547, Xavier worked in the midst of Ambon, Ternate, and Moro to lay the foundations for a permanent mission there. In the 1560s there were about 10,000 Catholics in the region and in the 1590s there's 50,000 people. People are also quite successful Dominik Christianize Solor. In the 1590s the Portuguese and the local Christian population there is estimated at 25,000 people.
During their stay in the Moluccas, the Portuguese left some of their cultural influences such as the romantic keroncong ballads sung with guitar accompaniment derived from Portuguese culture. Indonesian vocabulary also derived from the Portuguese language is a party, soap, flags, table, Sunday, etc.. This reflects the role of the Portuguese language besides Malay as a lingua franca throughout the archipelago until the early nineteenth century. Even in Ambon are still many family names are derived from the Portuguese as da Costa, Dias, de Fretas, Gonsalves, Mendoza, Rodriguez, da Silva, etc.. Another major influence of the Portuguese in Indonesia, planting Catholicism in some eastern regions of Indonesia.

 Experts today argue that the Austronesian migration is likely to occur in a much older age, migration has been taking place from the period 6000 BC to the beginning of our era. Due to the insistence of the movement got peoples in central Asia, the developer of the Austronesian culture migrated and settled in the region of Yunnan, an area in South China. Then they gradually spread throughout mainland Southeast Asia meet to reach the shore. During his life in mainland Southeast Asia region while developing a culture obtained in their life experiences.In around 3000-2500 BC, Austronesian people began to sail across the sea to the island of Taiwan and the Philippines. Austronesian Diaspora continues until the year 2500 BC they began to enter Sulawesi, Borneo and other islands in the vicinity. In around 2000 BC chances they had reached the Moluccas and Papua . In the same time it is also the Austronesian people of mainland Southeast Asia is gradually into the Malay Peninsula and the islands of the western part of Indonesia. Migration towards the islands in the Pacific continued until about the year 500 BC to the beginning of our era counted.When the migration has begun rarely done, and people have settled by Austronesian steady in some areas of Southeast Asia, there is an opportunity to further develop a better culture again. Based on the findings of the artifact, can be interpreted to mean that between the 5th century BC to the 2nd century AD, there is a cultural form of art based on the versatility of bronze castings, called the Dong -son culture. Naming was given on the basis of a wealth of Dong -son site in a variety of artifacts, all bronze artifacts were found in large numbers in various forms. Dong -son is actually the name of the site that are in the area of ​​Thanh - hoa, in the coastal region of Annam ( northern Vietnam ). The results are characterized by bronze artifacts ornament Dong -son found widespread scattered throughout most of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar to the Kei islands in eastern Indonesia.
A. Culture ORIGINAL SOUTH EAST ASIA ( Austronesian culture )Variety of bronze artifacts have characteristic Dong -son culture , for example nekara in various sizes , moko ( bronze drums ) , candrasa ( ceremonial ax ) , short sword , cutting blades , vessels , dolls , shoes and ax . The main characteristic of Dong -son bronze artifact is rich with ornaments , even on some of the artifacts covered almost entirely full of ornaments . It shows that the makers , the Dong -son ( the artist ) has a high aesthetic taste ( Wagner 1995: 25-26 ) . Proficiency art cast bronze and the addition of ornaments form is then transmitted to all contemporary artists in the Southeast Asian region , therefore the Dong -son bronze artifacts can be considered as one of the fastener civilization of Southeast Asian nations .Cultural historian named JLABrandes ever perform in-depth study of the cultural development of Southeast Asia in the proto -historic period . Brandes stated that the residents of the Southeast Asian mainland or islands has had 10 intelligence which extends beginning of our era before the advent of foreign influence , namely :

1 . Has been able to make the figure doll
2 . Developing the art of decorative ornaments
3 . Knowing foundry
4 . Implement barter trade
5 . Knowing musical instruments
6 . Understanding astronomy
7 . Mastering the techniques of navigation and shipping
8 . Uses oral tradition in conveying knowledge
9 . Mastering the techniques of irrigation
10 .. It has been know that regular public governance
The achievement of civilization can be expanded again after the recent studies about the ancient cultures of Southeast Asia that has been done by G.Coedes . Some achievements Austronesian inhabitants of Southeast Asia before the entry of outsider culture .In the field of material culture has been able to :

• Proficiency cultivating the fields , even in the form of terassering with fairly advanced irrigation techniques
• Develop a buffalo and cattle farms
• Have used metal equipment
• Mastering properly navigation
Achievement in the social sphere :

• Appreciate the role of women and take into offspring by the mother
• Develop a system of organization of agriculture with irrigation settings
Achievement in the field of religion :

• Glorifying high places as holy and sacred locations
• The cult of the ancestors / progenitor ( ancestor worship )
• Know the second burial ( secondary burial ) in a bowl, crock , or sarcophagus .

B. DEVELOPING TRUST INDIA AND CHINA AFTER ARRIVALPrior to China's growing Indian influence in Southeast Asia , people have to know and have confidence , that the worship of ancestral spirits and large objects ( animism and dynamism ) . When religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture to grow and flourish , Indonesia began to embrace the Hindu-Buddhist elements despite the genuine belief that lingers Hindu - Buddhist beliefs mixed with elements of the worship of ancestral spirits . It looks at the function of the temple in Southeast Asia , especially Indonesia .
C. EFFECT OF POLITICAL INDIA AND CHINAThe spread of Hindu - Buddhist influence in Southeast Asia changed the pattern of community life in the region , especially in the political , religious , and social . Includes government and political life of the community setting . Religious life style reflected the belief and ritual . Social life includes structuring groups in society . In Hindu - Buddhist , very sacred kingship that can not be equated with ordinary people . King has been determined by the gods , even the king can be placed as a son or incarnation of god . The position of the king in Hindusime expressed in terms Devaraja ( king who became a god ) . In Buddhism expressed as cakravartin king ( ruler of the universe ) .KINGDOM - HINDU - BUDDHIST patterned KINGDOM IN SOUTHEAST ASIA :

= > Funan - now Kampuchea , centered at Oc - eo - Phnom Penh southeast ( 100-613 BC ) . Trading center in the middle of the commercial lines of India and China .

= > Chenia - now Kampuchea , centered in Vyadapura - Kompong Thom province ( 550-800 AD ) . Had an attack of the royal dynasty ( Java ) so that the center moved inland empire .

= > Champa - now Vetnam , centered in Indrapura - Quang Nam province ( 600 -900 AD ) . Seize parts of Chenla to include Laos and Kampuchea .

= > Dvaravati - now Thailand , centered in Nakhon Pathon - northeast Bangkok (600 - 1000 AD ) . Under the rule of the Khmer Empire .

= > Khmer - now Kampuchea , centered on Angkor - Phnom Penh north (800 - 1200 AD ) . Covering Burma and Indochina .

= > Chart - now Myanmar , centered in Bagan - north of Yangon (1000 - 1200 AD ) . Collapsed by assault troops under the leadership of Kublai Khan's Mongol .
india - china flagImage : India - China

D. EFFECT OF SOCIAL LIFE IN INDIASocial life of the people in Southeast Asia with the times there . This is because the people of Southeast Asia accept with open elements that come from the outside , but its development has always adapted to the Austronesian tradition . The entry of Indian influence in Southeast Asia led to begin the implementation of the punishment against violators of regulations or laws are also enforced . Laws and regulations indicate that a society that has been organized and neat . Indonesian society is also seen in the system of mutual help . In the development of the social life of society stratified by caste and position in society ( getting to know the caste system ) .
E. EFFECT IN CHINA ECONOMYThe economy of Southeast Asian nations existed before the arrival of the western nations . Namely that a Silk Road overland route that originated from China across Southeast Asia and last until the middle of the sea . Travel to Europe continued with the ship . The second path is a path that starts from the Chinese sea , through Southeast Asia and East Asia also ending in . Motor of the sea lanes are winds changing direction on a regular basis as the season winds every year . As a result of these sea lanes appeared important trading cities ( emporium ) such as Aden , Bandar Abas , Calicut , Malacca , Cantonese , and so on . Malacca was an important major port in Southeast Asia are estimated to have been established around 1400 and is a trading port which has large warehouses . Commodities are primarily traded spices from the Moluccas , pepper from Sumatra , Java rice . There are also other important ports such as Banten , Tuban , Gresik , Surabaya . The port authorities remain in the fortified city for the sake of security . They receive tribute or taxes from the merchants in the city harbor .

Monday 12 May 2014

The conclusion of World War 1
1. this war ended with the defeat of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente, on the table beside the dates is seen giving the countries of the Triple Alliance.

2. Signed the Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1918) between Germany and the Allies that the contents are:
a) Germany cede Alsace-Lorraine (Elzas-Lotharingen) to France, and Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium.
b) of Danzig and surrounding areas became an independent city under the LEAGUE of NATIONS.
c) Germany lost all its possessions were taken by the United Kingdom, France, and Japan.
d) Germany must pay a war indemnity of 132 Billion gold Marks.

e) Germany army is reduced to 100,000 personnel.
f) warships and merchant ships were taken over by United Kingdom Germany as war indemnity
g) Germany Area West of the river Rhijn (Rhein) was occupied by the allies as a guarantee for 15 years.
h) the Saar Area was governed by the LEAGUE of NATIONS for 15 years.

3. Signed the Treaty of St. Germain (10 November 1919) between Allied with Austria, which has:
a. no allowed the combined Germany-Austria.
b. Austria should hand over South Tyrol, region of Istria to Italy, Bohemia, and Moravia to Czechoslovakia.
4. Signed the Treaty of Neuilly (27 November 1919) between parties Allied with Bulgaria which Bulgaria gave Greece the Aegia Beach area.

5. Signed the Treaty of Trianon (4 June 1920) between Hungary and the allies, whose contents include:
a) Hungary Area is reduced.
b) family of Hapsburg should not become King in Austria-Hungary.

6. Signed the Treaty of Sèvres (August 20, 1920) between the Turkey, its ally of deng, among others:
a). The Turkey is reduced, so that the lives of Constantinople and its environs.
b). take off the Turkey population is not a nation of Turkey, such as Arabia gains independence; Lybian taken Italy; Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Cyprus taken United Kingdom; Syria Lebanon taken French.
c) Smyrna and Tracia occupied by Greece.

d). Darnadela, the sea of Marmora, the Bosphorus should be open to all vessels of all Nations.

e) Armenia and the Kurds are given independent status.
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